This week was pretty good. Same stuff... more anatomy. I was feeling pretty confident in my knowledge until Thursday and Friday's lecutres on the Posterior Abdominal Wall (nerves), and the Pelvic region, but i'll get it.
**** Disclaimer **** Graphic Cadaver Description coming up****
In Friday lab some people did a Sagital cut (right down the middle, hotdog style) with a hack saw right through the pelvis. This essentially cuts the genitals, bladder, reproductive systems and rectum right in half. It is a pretty cool dissection, but also somewhat disturbing. It looks like the picture above.
Week in Review -
Stress level was way down from last week before the quiz.
I was able to spend more time with the family.
I'm still really enjoying the RIDE program and the people here. It is a great group.
However, Next week is going to be a beast. We have an anatomy quiz on Tuesday over Abdomen and Posterior Abdominal Wall, then our Common Final and Lab final on Friday. Busy, Busy, Busy.
This is a picture of Eric Nygard pretending to look like a doctor with his "spectacles" on. One fun thing about the program is the late evening study groups. I find that we usually only study as a group when everyone is tired of being alone and and staring at their computer screens. It usually turns into a really good time with a lot of laughing and and a little bit of learning.

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