My 4-year-old son Dylan started soccer this week and guess who his coach is? That's right.... this guy! I have always thought I would coach my kids teams but last year I was too scared and this year I decided I needed to buck up and be a man. So despite my busy school schedule, Rendy being pregnant, and our tyrant of a daughter Scarlett, I decided to jump in and give this coaching thing a try.
Today was our first game and we had a blast (even though we got destroyed).
Highlight from the game is below(remember these are 4 to 6 yr olds):
Trash Talking - apparently kids at this age already know how to trash talk.... but it is pretty innocent and really funny. We (the other coach and myself) tried to discourage this, but it kept happening and I kept laughing.
Other team: "Ya! we have 4 points and you have none!" after scoring there 4th goal in a row.
Our player "I'm going to pound that kid in the face" while pounding his right fist into his left palm with a cartoonish scowl spread across his face ...... Our player paid him back by scoring a few goals of his own.
Our boys decided that we should be called the Blue Stars. Intimidating, right?

Other quotes:
"Coach, those kids aren't letting me kick the ball," pointing to the opposite team.
"Why is that team is sooooo good?"
"Why is that kid so big?" ..... He was freakishly tall for a 6-yr-old.
Kids.... you gotta love 'em.

Dental school can make you feel like you don't have time to do anything other than study, sit on the couch (unwinding), sleep, and eat. But I couldn't be happier that I made the decision to coach. Dental school is important, but participating in life as it happens is more important.
That looks like a lot of fun. You'll be glad you have these memories.