Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Today was Injection Day. I had it highlighted on my calendar and knew of its existence for the past 7 weeks and it finally arrived. Last night I went to sleep smiling and giddy with excitement (and some anxiety). There are certain rights of passage in dentistry - the cadaver lab, the creation of our first gold crown, and the IA (inferior alveolar) nerve block. Among this list for first year accomplishments, the IA nerve block tops the cake.

Burying my nose in books and power point slides leaves me forgetting that I'm actually going to be a dentist someday. However, it is these experiences that wake me up, like a cold splash of water to the face, and I remember that someday I'm actually going to be practicing dentistry. This is good stuff.

I should also note that this is an exclusive RIDE first year elective. A really cool bonus to being in RIDE if you ask me.

I partnered up with Camille. First round - Camille was Docter, and I was patient. I had a bit of anxiety, but we were both fairly relaxed and excited to get started. Humor can go a long way in these situations.

Camille and I trying to find the location of the maxillary infiltration........ this is a pretty scientific approach.

Camille started with the IA block. In the picture below, she is getting some guidance from Dr. DiMarco. Dr. DiMarco is such a great person to have teaching this class. He knows the ins and outs of Local Anesthesia - so much so that he is the author of the book we use for this class. It gave me a lot of confidence and peace of mind knowing he was there for every step of the way.

I had a little anxiety but Camille did Great.... she's a natural.

Next it was my turn. The worst was over and I was getting excited to wield the syringe.

Waiting for the professor -
Applying the topical anesthetic for the maxillary infiltration.

Talking it over with Dr. DiMarco

Going for it.

Here are some other pics from the day -

Waiting to begin:
Practice loading the syringe and aspirating red fluid

Working with Dr. McCoy.

Dr. McCoy is teaching another elective about placement of rubber dams. I got so frustrated with my rubber dam today. They are really hard for me to place right now, but I'm hoping with time they will get easier.

This is Liza with her rubber dam on - looking awesome.


  1. You ROCK, man! That is super cool.

  2. That is not super cool. That is super scary. I think I might pass out. No wonder I'm in business, not wielding syringes. Yikes! Yikes!

  3. Injections are definitely one of the BEST things we did this past year. You did an awesome job with your injections as well, Brad! You never even hurt me :)

  4. That is really nice to hear. thank you for the update and good luck. Ozempic Injections

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